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Showing posts from August, 2019

I'm A Nerdy Mother

You know, it's important to let your freak flag fly, even if you're a mother.  I went out for lunch with a lovely bunch of ladies, but it reminded me of a few things.  1.  My social anxiety is still strongly in effect. 2.  Finding mom friends is good, finding mom friends who get you is great. I really enjoyed my time, but it definitely made me feel like I shrank a little.  When I'm around people I'm comfortable with, I feel just free and comfortable to stretch out within myself and like I'm understood.  If I'm not, I feel exhausted, like I have to check every syllable for something that gives away just how odd I am.  What I realized is it just feels easier with either women I knew before I was a mother or nerdy moms.  Not to say I hate moms, it's not that at all.  Mothers (and fathers) need each other for survival.  We are the only people who understand the physical, mental and emotional toll raising a child takes.  And while that may be the only thing