You know what the best part about this challenge has been so far? By not shopping this week, my brain is like "Girl, you are crushing this challenge!" So, I could passively go through a year of not buying clothes and feel good about myself! BOOM. But here’s the thing: looking forward, I'm going to need to do some serious wardrobe consideration. My jeans are quite a few years old and wearing out in places. I had a baby a year ago so my body is still changing. I'm also trying to be more active, so yeah it's going to keep changing. Plus, I'm rocking the tail end of my 20's, therefore weddings. Always. I have three invites for this year alone (one my daughter is going to be a flower girl, exciting!) Basically, the goal for this week was to sit down and figure a few things out. Define my personal style. What pieces do I need? What pieces do I want? How do I get those pieces? STEP NUMBER FUN: D...
One nerd's adventures into the crafting world, both past and present.