I think the word I want to use as my mantra this year is Sustainable. Not just in the green sense of the word, but maintaining good habits. All holiday, my heart has been breaking over new about wildfires in Australia and it reminds me that the new reality here in California is the same with semi annual wildfires. I want to make changes to help the environment, but they need to be sustainable as well as sustainable...oh man that wordplay cuts me deep.
Anyway, I started with some soul searching. A few changes I've already made are to use period panties and menstrual cups. I also started using a reusable straw a little last year, but maintaining that habit has proven tricky. I also was using an imperfect produce system, but we weren't eating stuff fast enough due to time constraints. There's also other changes I could make, but here's the thing: a lot of the rhetoric around sustainable lifestyles is changing habits and they ignore the privilege that involves. As a parent who works full time, I find it too challenging to make too many big habit changes for my family. Stuff that we can do need to be agreed on by all of us, including the baby. And trying to say to the baby "Girl, this is for your environment" as I wash more reusable stuff ain't going to cut it. So I decided one way we can do this is clothing.
To say we're not fashion focused is an understatement. I love watching Project Runway as vicarious sewing and just today my husband was saying "Why are the judges so mean? They worked really hard on their stuff.". To which I respond FASHUN. Anyway, sustainable lifestyles can be built best from things you can already do and things you love to do. And I like seeing. So...
I won't buy fast fashion firsthand clothes in 2020.
(Except for undergarments and socks.)
Whelp, that will be fun...
And to keep myself honest, I'm going to document this. Ho boy.
My first step will be to evaluate what I need in my wardrobe, because she was feeling a bit constipated recently. Last year before Me Made May, I defined my style as Quirky Scandinavian Garden, which definitely helps me out a lot in terms of thinking about what I need and what needs to go. The next step is to do some research about sustainable clothing. So what that means is not just sewing, but sustainable sewing. And sustaining that practice. I need to stop with the wordplay but you get it.
Another sweeping statement: weekly posts. I think Saturday sounds good for getting things out there, so we're going to go with that. Heh. I just want to do the right thing, and I hope so does the rest of the world. Here's to 2020 and learning something new.
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