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Me Made May 2018: AKA Me Made Maternity

Yes, you read that title right.  I'm going to attempt Me Made May for the second time. 

Oh, and I'm 20 weeks pregnant. 

Yeah, so it's been a process.  My little buddy girl has just started to pop out a little, so I've been making the move into maternity wear.  The first trimester was actually somewhat mild compared to those in my new mother's support group thing.  I had fatigue and nausea, but overall it wasn't like the worst thing.  I mean, I slept a lot but I think that was my body preparing for insomnia to come.  And the second trimester, which many call the best trimester, has been good so far.  The body changes have been weird, and I feel like I have a new body like every few days, but other than that it's been fine so far.  Luckily, I'm tall, so she has plenty of space to move around.  I have a feeling that my blog posts for Me Made May will have a similar "Baby Update" vibe to them, but if I've learned anything about how I blog, planning ahead or making promises is a terrible choice.


Here's my plan for Me Made May '18:

1.  I will at least one hand made item for a majority* of the days of the week.
*Here's the thing: my body is changing FAST.  This means that clothes I made for myself last in many cases, won't fit pretty soon.  So that drops the number of handmade things I have by quite a lot.  Now, will I try to push myself to make it all of the days of the week?  Absolutely.  I have a lot of elastic waistband skirts and jersey tops that will work really well, and that I'm excited to mix and match with my maternity tops and jeans.  But I want to be kind to myself this year.  I did take some time to do some wardrobe planning thanks to the Seamwork Design Your Wardrobe process, and I kept in mind the whole pregnancy thing. 
2.  I will do a weekly round up blog post with photos* from the week.
*Another lesson I learned from last year.  I kind of hated posting photos on Instagram of my face, which I know is super weird, but it made me really self conscious and uncomfortable.  I'll still do photos of outfits, but I think I'll put less of a focus on ME and more of a focus on the clothes.  Part of this is how proud I am of the pieces I made and how I'm styling them for being pregnant, and that's the part I want to share.  A big part of this is how few maternity patterns exist, and I want to show how I'm styling what I have and making it work.

Basically, my goal over all is to really embrace my hand made maternity clothes and show how I'm handling my bump and trying to stretch my wardrobe.  (Pun intended).  It's kind of my last big time to focus on me before the baby comes, so let's get this party started.  Over the next week or so, I'll post some of the planning and prep stages plus baby updates as they come. 


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