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Me Made Maternity Week 3 Wrap Up

Preface:  My dad described me as having A WEEK this week.  We found out that 20 ft. worth of water pipe has to be replaced, it's the last week before finals, I had a huge district meeting to go to on Tuesday and on Wednesday I landed myself in the hospital (I'll talk about it there).  To say photos this week are spotty is an understatement.  I'm proud that I was able to finish out this week at all.  Read Friday to hear more.

Monday:  Butterick dress in peach floral satin-y fabric from Joann's

I am so upset with myself that I don't have a photo of this one!  I got tons of complements on this dress.  This was the first version my mom made of this dress, and I wore it Easter Sunday as well as to work on this particular Monday.  It is the perfect color for my complexion, and while it is a bit baggy still, it's super comfortable.  When I was trying to remember what I wore or even find a photo of it, my mind drew a complete and utter blank, speaking to the "It's been a week" feeling I've had.  This was a particularly busy day with a lot of prep to do, thanks to being off campus the following day to work on the new standards.  Yes, new standards for science.  Like I said, it's been a week.

Tuesday:  Jane T-Shirt in polka dot jersey from Girl Charlee
I wore this shirt last year a couple of times.  It's my first ever t-shirt and I'm still pretty proud of it.  It needs a little love around the color and hem, but other than that, it still wears well.  It's a slightly sheer fabric (the polka dots are sheer, the rest is not), so I have to wear something underneath it.  It came from the cast off section on Girl Charlee, but I still love how it looks.  The photo is in the car for two reasons: this was the only moment I found that day to snap a photo between a huge day  long meeting about the new standards for science and I had an appointment to get my contacts checked as well as pick up my new glasses (which lost a screw on Thursday.  "It's been a week." I'm back to my old glasses until I can get these ones fixed.)

Wednesday: Butterick dress by mom in floral from Joann's

On Wednesday, I had a bit of an adventure.  While going down the stairs with my dog for our breakfasts, I missed a step and slid/fell down about five steps and landed on my ass.  My husband heard this from the bathroom and it scared the crap out of him, which is fair as I am pregnant.  He encouraged me to call the advice nurse, which I did on my way to work.  She put me in contact with labor and delivery who wanted me to come in for observation for a few hours.  My coworker, who is an angel from heaven, drove me to the hospital and my other coworkers covered my classes.  They hooked me up to a heart rate monitor for the baby and a contraction monitor for me to see if I went into pre-term labor.  After I had been there for a bit, my mom came in and sat with me and read me a children's book.  Everything was fine and they sent me home after a few hours and I spent the rest of the day resting.  It was pretty scary.  The upside was we found my grandma's stone in the volunteer garden on the way out (Carolyn Shreve).  I've been monitoring baby's movement every day since Wednesday, and she's a wiggler for sure.  Oh, and I still love this dress.

Thursday: Butterick culottes by mom in stretch grey pant material from Joann's
I saw a video online about how no women can wear culottes.  Well, I suppose it depends on the culottes because these worked for me.  The downside is they had no pockets and they are still a bit big, but after my mom saw me wear them at dinner, she wants to make me another pair for our upcoming Disney World vacation.  And my coworker who saw me said, and I quote this, that I was "slaying the game."  And here I felt like it was a lazy day outfit.

Friday:  Rae pattern from Sewaholic in polka dot blue pattern from Joann's

At dinner with my family on Thursday, I saw a bunch of mannequins at Uniqlo wearing midi length skirts and graphic tees and I thought to myself "I can do that fashion!" I was feeling my week on Friday morning, and I thought to myself "I could skip today.  I'll still be doing the challenge, but I'm just so exhausted."  I had a non-homemade outfit lined up, but inspiration struck in the shower and I found myself remembering those mannequins at Uniqlo and I pulled out my go to skirt and NASA tee (which of course you can't see in this photo.  Don't worry, everyone has it from Target.)  And I love that I was able to end my week strong with this outfit.  Between work and life stress, I'm actually super proud that I was able to wear something homemade each day this week.

Not this weekend, no.  I was going to San Francisco for stuff at the Exploratorium, and wanted to look as pregnant as possible so I went for maternity ruched t-shirts.  The PJ's I'm currently rocking this crisp Sunday morning are homemade, if that counts for something.  

  • I'm proud that I finished my week strong between everything that happened.
  • I need to do more graphic tees and skirts.  Love that look.
  • This has also inspired my mom to make me more stuff.  I'm not mad at it.
  • I can't get to my stuff in the craft room.  It's covered with baby stuff, and I do want to sew stuff, but I can't.  


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